You Can Get the Help You Need From Social Security Attorneys in Missouri

by | Feb 5, 2014 | Law

Social Security disability benefits can be difficult to obtain even though they are an entitlement. You may be entitled to benefits, but proving your case may not be easy. It is a good idea to consult a Social Security attorney in Missouri before you file your first application. If you can get this application completed to meet the Social Security guidelines, then you have a much better chance of getting an approval.

However, if you are denied a second time you will need the attorney to file for a Hearing. You should not be discouraged by the denials. If your disability is complex and difficult to present on paper, then it might be wise to have a Social Security attorney in Missouri help you prepare your first application. If that application is denied, then your attorney will be prepared to counter Social Security’s objections when the second application is filed.

If you are turned down a second time, the attorney has gained valuable insight into what might be missing based on the objections to your application. The rejection is more likely due to the process which Social Security uses to review applications. However, the attorney can now prepare for a hearing, and 80 percent of the cases which go to a hearing are approved.

He will assemble all of the medical records and any expert testimony he feels is required. The experience he has in presenting cases in a Hearing will help him tremendously. The hearing is far less intimidating than a court room. The rules of evidence are not as tough to comply with. If friendly is the wrong word to use in describing the hearing process, then comfortable might be the correct term. The Administrative Law Judges have only a desire to hear the evidence and not put you on trial. Your attorney will be very effective in making you comfortable and feeling secure.

It is important for you to comply with any request for medical examinations which your attorney approves. Often, a second opinion is sought by Social Security which can help you. The Social Security Administration said in a recent report that refusing to see a doctor you have been asked to see is nearly certain to result in denial of your claim. This refusal will not help your case at a hearing unless your attorney can present a very good reason for it. Visit the site Grundy Disability Group LLC for more information.

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