A Bicycle Accident Law Attorney in Bowie, MD Represents Clients Injured by a Vehicle Driver

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Attorney

A bicycle accident law attorney in Bowie, MD represents clients who have been injured while riding, typically by the driver of a passenger car or commercial vehicle. These incidents can cause serious harm to cyclists, including bone fractures, concussions, internal injuries, and skin damage. The driver’s insurance company is not necessarily looking out for the bicyclist’s best interests and may look for reasons not to pay, or to pay a low settlement.

Helmets Aren’t Foolproof

Even when a cyclist does everything right, this person can still be severely harmed if hit by a car, pickup truck, or delivery van. Wearing a helmet helps protect against head injuries, but this is not a guarantee that a concussion will not be suffered.

Clothing Considerations

Many people biking for pleasure are not wearing gear that would protect their legs and arms from abrasions and other skin injury. They might be wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts on a hot day.

Rules of the Road

Insurance company adjusters and investigators try to find reasons to blame the bicycle rider. They look for evidence that this person was not following the rules of the road. It can be difficult for anyone to keep track of all the state and municipal regulations. The cyclist should not admit fault, even if they believe a mistake was made. It might still be reasonable to hold the driver responsible, depending on the circumstances.

Safety Issues

The insurance company investigator also wants to know about safety features. Perhaps the incident occurred before dawn or at dusk when visibility is poor, and the rider or bike did not have any lights or safety tape to alert drivers. A bicycle accident law attorney in Bowie, MD conducts an investigation as well to show why the client was behaving appropriately.

Determining the Cause

It might seem that determining who caused this type of accident would be easy, but sometimes that’s not the case. A person who was injured in this kind of collision may contact an organization such as The Valente Law Group for a free consultation. Visit us online to find contact details.

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