Compelling Reasons to Plan Your Estate in Moline While You Are Healthy

by | Oct 3, 2019 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Few people actually enjoy thinking about what will happen when they are no longer here. However, as unpleasant as the task is, it is still something that responsible adults must take care of while they are of sound mind to do so.

When you have specific plans for how you would like your estate divided after you pass away, you need to put those plans in writing. By hiring a real estate lawyer in Moline, IL, clients can dictate to whom their property should be given after their deaths.

Naming an Heir

When people hire a real estate lawyer in Moline, IL, probate courts will receive a copy of their wills. You have someone specific in mind for whom you would like to pass on your house and real estate. You need to name this heir in writing so that no one else from your family or circle of friends can lay claim to your property.

Your lawyer will make sure that the person is named in your will and that the court will have a copy of this dictate on file. After you pass away, your estate will go to probate court where the judge will issue a decree on how it should be divided and who will receive it. If you name a specific heir, most like the judge will agree to your plans as long as the named heir is capable of inhering the property.

Paying Taxes

Another task that you have to take care of before you die is paying the taxes on your estate. Most people prefer to do this rather than hand it off to their heirs. Your lawyer can determine what the tax is so that you can pay it out of your life insurance.

You can find out more about real estate lawyers online. Contact David Franks Attorney-at-Law at

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