How You Can Help Your Personal Injury Attorney Prove Your Claim

by | Mar 25, 2021 | Law

After you have been involved in an accident, you may need to hire Naperville injury lawyers to help you seek damages. While your attorney will have the expertise to work on your behalf, you can help him by providing evidence that proves your claim. Here are a few ways you can help your lawyer build a stronger case.

Get a Police Report

The police report provides an official record of the accident, which can be used in filing a claim with the insurance company. It can also be used in court. You can make the police report more helpful to your case if you make a statement to the police. This will allow you to include your version of the accident in the official report.

Collect Evidence at the Scene

You can always collect some evidence at the scene of any accident. If you were in a car accident, you can take pictures of each vehicle, making sure to get clear pictures of the damages. In a slip and fall accident or a dog bite, you can get a picture of the area in which the fall or dog bite occurred. You should always try to collect some type of photographic evidence.

Get a Medical Evaluation

Be sure to get a medical evaluation and start treatment as soon as possible. In addition to showing that the damages you’re claiming are genuine, your medical bills and records will help your Naperville injury lawyers prove the value of your claim.

If you have suffered an injury in any type of accident, schedule a consultation with Shea Law Group by visiting their website at

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