Hiring A Work Injury Lawyer In Wisconsin Rapids, WI After An Arc Flash

by | May 15, 2019 | Lawyers

In Wisconsin, industrial employers use safety policies to protect workers in high-voltage environments. The policies depict the exact requirements for protecting workers in each area of the building. A failure to enforce the safety policies makes the employer liable for any injuries that occur. A Work Injury Lawyer Wisconsin Rapids WI helps workers build a case if they are denied the benefits.

Reviewing Safety Policies

The safety policies apply to each area of the building. In a high-voltage environment, the employer enforces restrictions and implements further safety protocols. For example, additional safety gear is required for authorized personnel entering areas where the risk is greater. A failure to enforce the requirements and keep workers safe deems the employer liable.

Assessing the Worker’s Protective Gear

After an accident, the employer contacts emergency services for the worker. The building is shut down if an arc flash occurs. When assessing the cause of the injuries, the worker’s PPE is evaluated. If it didn’t meet the requirements, the next step is determining if the employer supplied the correct gear. Was the employee in an unauthorized area? Did the worker fail to wear the gear properly? The answers show who is at fault.

Reviewing Maintenance and Lock Out Tag Out Protocol

In high-voltage environments, the maintenance staff is required to use lock out tag out protocol if an issue is discovered. The protocol prevents workers from operating machinery that presents a risk. The faulty equipment is a common cause of an arc flash. If the maintenance staff doesn’t follow safety protocols, the employer could face the liability.

Pinpointing the Liability

A complete investigation of the accident defines who is at fault. Attorneys file petitions to acquire video surveillance footage to prove their case. Previous footage that shows if the machinery was secured properly also supports liability claims.

In Wisconsin, industrial environments place workers at risk if employers don’t follow OSHA requirements. The regulations outline ways that high-voltage workers are protected from the effects of an arc flash. A failure to follow the regulations places the liability against the employer. Workers who want to learn more about their rights can contact a Work Injury Lawyer Wisconsin Rapids WI through Duncan Disability Law S.C. right now. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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