Talk to a Truck Accident Lawyer in Burlington, VT Instead of the Insurance Company

by | Nov 25, 2015 | Accident Lawyer

Vermont is undeniably a beautiful state, but it cannot be denied that driving can be challenging. There are some roads that have so many curves that strangers might wonder why they were ever designed that way. Vermont’s an old state and roads were laid out for many reasons, usually as an accommodation to the rocky and hilly terrain. The bottom line is that driving in Vermont requires well-maintained vehicles and attentive drivers.

Trucks inevitably share these roads with cars. Even the largest SUVs are fragile vehicles when compared to any truck. Simply as a matter of self-defense, this means that drivers of cars need to be particularly alert and vigilant about avoiding any possible collision with a truck. Logging trucks can be particularly hazardous; even if the truck does not directly impact a car, the logs can be accidentally released onto the road and prove deadly.

Of course, truck drivers also have the legal obligation to be very careful about avoiding accidents with any vehicles, but especially with cars, motorcycles, bicycles or pedestrians. There’s a very good chance that the truck driver would walk away from an accident that killed occupants of the car or others–any truck accident lawyer in Burlington, VT has seen this happen.

The Most Common Cause of Trucking Accidents
There are a lot of possible reasons for a trucking accident, such as bad brakes or other maintenance problems, but the most common cause of a trucking accident is the driver. This is especially true for large trucks, which cause the most catastrophic injuries to others.

Some possible driver errors include:

      *     Prescription or over-the-counter drugs (involved in 44% of trucking accidents)
      *     Sleep deprivation (driver fatigue was listed in 18% of trucking accidents)
      *     Speeding (involved in 23% of the accidents)
      *     Intoxication
      *     Poor judgment
      *     Unnecessary risks
      *     Lack of knowledge of Vermont roads
      *     Unbalanced and improperly loaded cargo

Trucking Injuries are Severe

Trucking injuries often send victims to intensive care. Injuries can include:

      *     Broken bones or amputations
      *     Head and neck problems
      *     Injuries to the spinal cord
      *     Burns
      *     Abdominal injuries

As soon as possible after the accident, talk to an experienced truck accident lawyer in Burlington, VT. Call Affolter Gannon to review the best legal options for your case. Contact them at Website Domain to request a free consultation.

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